Monday, August 18, 2014

A Glimpse of Ancient History

Monday, August 18th

Late yesterday afternoon we arrived at Newgrange to find that all of the tours were filled. However a friendly woman recommended a hotel that would arrange tour reservations for their patrons. A place to stay and tour reservations in a single move, what a deal!
Morning came, breakfast eaten and a walk across the road for our first tour. Aboard a bus we rode to Knowth to be guided around the site by a knowledgeable young student whose goal is to earn a doctorate in Neolithic religious something(?) After an hour at Knowth we were back on the bus to join a different guide for an hour at Newgrange. These enormous structures were built prior to Stonehenge and the pyramids of Egypt and aligned perfectly to the solstice. Judging from the size and weight of the interiors stones it seems that they were set in place first and the buildings created around them. Stones weighing thousands of pounds were transported miles before the invention of the wheel. Among these ancient peoples were amazing astronomers and architects. We left in awe of their accomplishments.


The interior of the mound at Knowth


Time for another castle tour and this time it is Trim Castle located in the center of Trim, a rather small village. We had a quick lunch in the coffee shop/tourist center/gift shop. The enthusiastic young man in charge answered my one question with a ten minute nonstop dialogue that included information about the filming of Braveheart and the wonderful Mel Gibson. The castle is a ruin but we were able to visit all of the floors with a knowledgable and amusing guide. Mike and I left with a new piece of castle life information we had not heard before. Fleas and lice in clothing were killed by hanging it above human waste that was stirred to release ammonia fumes. Her contention was this job was the origin of the phrase, "getting the wrong end of the stick". Great story even if it is not accurate.

Trim Castle

Trim Main Street

Late afternoon found us in Carrickmacross, the main market town near to the farm where Mike's father was born and his family had lived for several generations. Midway down the short main street is the Hand Shoe Store. The owner Jim Hand shares a great grandfather with Mike's father or something like that. He was not in the store but came by the hotel after dinner to share a drink. Although Mike and Jim had never met we had a wonderful time sharing family information.

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