Friday, July 10, 2015

Loving London

It's Wednesday, it's London, it's summer. Therefore it must be the National Portrait Gallery annual summer exhibition! After muesli and fruit juice in the flat, we are out walking a familiar route along the Thames embankment, across Waterloo Bridge, through the park, across the Strand and into the Gallery to spend an hour or so strolling amongst this year's entries for the annual competition.

Afterwards we made a brief side trip to Leicester Square to check out potential theatre deals at the half-price ticket booth, but having seen nothing that grabbed our attention we said temporary goodbyes to go separate ways; I was going off for lunch with Gil, Jan going off to explore on her own, with a 3pm rendezvous at the Festival Hall agreed for later.

While Mike lunched I walked, camera in hand, to record the known and the new. The wheel is no longer the British Airways Wheel but the Coca Cola Wheel. Salvador Dali has been replaced by Shrek. The city is still alive with tourists, buskers, school field trips, and interesting new sights.

Back together we walked to the flat from the Festival Hall for a brief catch up and to rest our legs, then ventured out probably less than a quarter of a mile to eat at a local Indian restaurant, in contrast to my lunch at a Turkish place and Jan's soup near Festival Hall. Interestingly, surprisingly, the Indian waiter told us they didn't serve alcohol but were happy if you brought your own so I walked across the street to buy from the pub almost opposite.






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