Monday, July 13, 2015

Off to Oranienburg

It is goodbye to the Berlin Marriott, one of the nicest hotels we have ever stayed in. Wish we could take the shower home with us. Back to Potsdamer Platz to see if we can suss out the trains and make our way to Oranienburg where we are to pick up our bikes. Two women stopped us and asked for directions in German. Of course we were a big disappointment but a helpful stranger stopped to solve all of the shrugging shoulders and direct us to the correct platform. We found a ticket machine, pushed all of the right buttons, inserted a ten Euro note, waited . . . No tickets. Uh-oh... the machine has run out of change, won't take credit cards and needs exact money only, which after a search of our pockets we can't quite manage! Found another machine....... wunderbar, and we are on the train.

Oranienburg was the last stop on the line. We were traveling along the rail line which is not always the most picturesque, but it seemed so different from southern Germany. I don't know if that is a holdover from East Germany. Lots and lots of graffiti, small unattractive homes and buildings.

We reached Oranienburg at the same time as the rain. Dragging luggage, checking a map, hoping we were getting close. We arrived and were rewarded with a room in the hotel. We dried off a bit and set out to explore the wonders of Oranienburg.

The highlight of town, the Schloss was closed because it was Monday but for a fee we could enjoy the gardens. They are 30 hectares in size, whatever that means, and include sixteen garden rooms. There is play equipment, exercise equipment, decorative plants, vegetables, sculptures, chess, fountains and more. Definitely worth five euros.

Having "done" this town we returned to our room until the grand meeting of cyclists; surprisingly twenty five of us all heading towards Copenhagen. I was the only American and Mike and I among a very few English speakers. We are all traveling independently and everyone seemed aware of this as no one spoke or smiled outside their group. Looking forward to being on two wheels and off my feet for a while.



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